
How to join me on the best trip i’ll take this year...

Team Member of Team 4ever Girls 2024!!

Recent Donors
  • Richard Henken $10000
    Thank you Nachamah!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $1000
  • Chaim Dahan $500
  • Anonymous Sponsor $500
  • Anonymous Sponsor $500
  • Aviva Hoch $500
  • Dinah Leiter $500
    And on of your impressive, devotion and commitment.
  • Nachamah Jacobovits $500
  • Nathaniel Lipstadt $500
    In memory of Erwin & Miriam Lipstadt
  • Tova Graber $360.00
    In honor of Nachamah and all she does for this special camp and these outstanding kids!!
  • Mayer And Ariella Schulman $360
    Go Nama
  • Anonymous Sponsor $300
    In honor of the most devoted woman we know!!! No way ate you leaving this parking lot at less than $20K!!!
  • Lisa Glazer $250
    Nachama J , you’re so inspiring!
  • Brian Katz $250
    Tizkeh lemitzot
  • Yair And Miriam Frankel $250
  • Shimi Jacobovits $250
  • Katherine Russell $250.00
    Thank you Nachamah!
  • Eran & Jessica Saidi $250
  • Eliezer And Devorah Jacobovits $250
  • Estee Rausman $250
    So inspired by all the amazing work you do
  • Anonymous Sponsor $250
  • Christopher James Gillan $200
  • Shari Baron $200.00
    Nachamah, your dedication is truly inspiring. Enjoy the trip! Shari & Jack
  • Tzippy Halpert $200.00
    Nachamah, have a great trip and keep up your amazing work.
  • Toby Weinberger $180
    Keep up the great work!
  • Chaim And Estie Kahn $180
    Keep it going Nachama !!!
  • Sheila Shapiro $180.00
    You go girl!! Great job!!
  • Leah & Naftali Solomon $180
    In honor of Nechama
  • Anonymous Sponsor $180
  • Naomi Krasnow $180.00
    Your Amazimg all that you Do, and honor to be your friend
  • Felicia Gamss $180
    Much Hatzlocha Nachamah!
  • Avigail Ginzberg $180
    Nachama you are a constant inspiration to us all! Proud to be your friend!
  • Shaya Rubin $180
  • Ari And Devorah Hoch $180
    Nachamah you’re amazing!
  • Yonatan And Michal Frankel $180
    Yasher koach on all of your hard work, Nachamah!
  • Golda Schattner $180.00
  • Majestic Giftware $180
  • Tziporah Sax $180
  • ANDREA BIER $180.00
    For your incredible dedication to the kids!!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $150
  • Aviva Aberman $150
  • Shragi And Dena Weldler $150.00
    In honor of Nachamah! We love you!
  • Liza Krupka $120
    What would we do without you??!! THANK. YOU. FOR. EVERYTHING!!!❤️
  • Gittel Reiss $118
    Your amazing Nechama
  • Yechiel Zlotnick $118
  • Anonymous Sponsor $118
  • Ike Betesh $101
    Refuah shelema David ben Simcha & Salha bat Bolisa
  • Zlaty Lefkowitz $101
    In honor of the one and only most amazing and awesomest and most dedicated Nechama Jacobovitz!!! I love u so much!!! Thanks for always being there for me and the rest of the Chai4ever family 💕
  • Leah Freedman $100
    Go Nachamah!!♥️
  • Rikkk Cweiber $100
  • Avrahom Pressburger $100
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
    In honor of all the light you put into these girls lives. Have a great trip
  • Ofer And Marcie Lurman $100
    Nachamah - you are an inspiration to all!!
  • Nechama Berger $100
  • Chana Berger $100
    You’re an inspiration to us all !
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
  • Joseph Bernfeld $100.00
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
    You're amazing!!!
  • Moshe Wiener $100
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
  • Shari And Howie Borenstein $100
    You inspire us!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
  • Leah Freedman $100
    Go Nachamah!!♥️
  • Talya Oropesa $100
    Thank you Nechama!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
  • Rena Leb $100.00
  • Moshe Jacobovits $100
  • Fraidy Schoenfeld $100
  • Chaya Pollock $100
    In honor of Nachama Jakobovitz - an incredible person and a true inspiration!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
    Thank you for being you, an inspiration to all of us. IY'H Moshiach will be here soon and you will be out of a job but until then, thank you
  • Mousha Kaplan $100
  • Shira Nussbaum $100
    In honor of Nachamah J! Thank you for all the thought and care you put into C4E! Still remember the first day we met in camp, summer 2017!
  • Avigail Reich $100
  • Chayala Gamzon $100
  • Yona Jacobovits $100
  • Heshy Deutsch $91
  • Carol Federman $74.00
    This is for you my friend and the kids. You inspire me to try to go higher!!!
  • Dovid And Sora Kandel $72.00
    In honor of Nachama Jacobovits who never stops amazing us
  • Anonymous Sponsor $72
    Thank you for all the incredible work you for each camper and all the counselors!! Hashem should give you the כח to continue!! Have fun on C4E 24!!!!!
  • Sheila And Alan Shapiro $72
    In Memory of your mother on her yahrtzeit. Her neshama should have an aliya!
  • Rikki Gartner $55
  • Naomi Scheier $54.00
  • Rochie Stein $54
  • Racheli Herzka $54.00
    Nachamah you are a true inspiration!! Only Hashem truly knows the depths of what you do for His children. I remain in awe of you! Hatzlacha!
  • Mordy Jacobovits $54
  • Anonymous Sponsor $54
  • Shmuel And Chevi Friedman $54.00
  • Malkah Jacobovits $54
    In memory of the most amazing parents of the best chaperone a camp could have on the yahrzeit of her Mother, Chaya Fejgel bas HaRav Boruch a"h. May she be meilitz yosher all of us. Wishing all a Chaseeva V'chaseema Tova and a better year to come
  • Zlaty Schneid $52
    Nechamah! No words to thank you for all you do! Keep being your awesome self!!
  • Malky Goldberg $52
  • Jessica Saidi $52
  • Nechama Weber $51
    To The Most Awesome person i know 🖤
  • Chaya Baila Chontow $50
  • RICKI Gartner $50
    I am so proud of you
  • Bela Feuerwerker $50.00
  • Chedva Abraham $50
    There’s truly no one like you!!!
  • Hindy Sternhill $50
  • Anonymous Sponsor $50
    May you have the כח to keep giving the girls all this fun with your heartfelt love for a long as they need it.
  • Kayla Mirel Stein $50
  • Brocha Braude $50
  • Sarah Mintz $50.00
    Nechama’s you are amazing! I’m so happy these girls have you as part of their life. Keep up the great work
  • Rachel Zaks $50.00
  • Anonymous Sponsor $50
  • Chezky & Fran Medetsky $36.00
    Nachamah you are amazing! Kol Hakavod!!
  • Chana Berenbaum $36
  • Susan Goldner $36
    You are incredible!
  • Joy Glicker Lieber $36
    Yasher Koach!
  • Naomi Sabzevari $36
  • Tzili Wasserlauf $36.00
    Lets goo nechamah!!!!
  • Eliyahu Raful $36.00
    What an amazing project!
  • Adina Eckstein $36.00
  • Tehila Alfassy $36
    Your amazing!!🤍🤍
  • Menachem And Tzippi Sperling $36.00
    Nachama we treasure our friendship and are in awe of your dedication and devotion to these girls! Have a great time!
  • Hadassah And Psachya Lamm $36
  • Shira Eisenstein $36
    GO NECHAMA!!!!
  • Mickey Mayer $36.00
    You Rock!!!!
  • Eve Rhodes $36.00
  • Tamara Schwed $36.00
    Nachamah, You are truly special. Keep up the great work.
  • Aryeh Dicker $36
  • Vichna Belsky $36
  • Deborah Seymour $36.00
    In the zechus of the great members of our family.
  • Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
    Imo Tuvia Yoel Ben HaRav Moshe Yehuda a"h and Chaya Fejgel bas HaRav Boruch a"h
  • Carol Trepp $36.00
  • Hadassa Bursztyn $30
  • Anonymous Sponsor $30
    Keep up your amazing, inspirational work!
  • Middy Choueka $26
    To the best chaperone out there!!!! Go Nechama ❤️
  • Sima Belsky $25
  • Malka Wecker $25
    In honor of Nachamah and the incredible work you do with the children!!
  • Shani Weissman $18
  • Dinah Miller Marlowe $18
    You continue to make this world a better place! Kol kavod!
  • Tziporah Green $18.00
    And in honor of the best cousin Nachama and all of her hard work!
  • Izzy Benhanan $18
    Nechamah is unbelievable!!!!!! So inspired and blessed to know you!
  • Ahuva Zaks $18
    Best chaperone!!!
  • Devori Hass $18
  • Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
  • Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
  • Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
    Thank you Nachamah for all you do!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $18
  • Hadassah Gabay $18.00
  • Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
    In honor of Nachamah
  • Anonymous Sponsor $18
    In honor of Nechama and the entire C4E! staff that think of our children all year round!
  • Lea Klein $11.00
  • Anonymous Sponsor $10
  • Faige C4e Star Videographer Werther $10.00
    to the most epic and devoted chaperone in the world. you are a true role model ❤️
  • Elky Epstein $9.00
    Thank you Nachamah for everything you've done for my family. C4E girls would never be the same without you!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $8.00
  • Anonymous Sponsor $7
  • Hudie Reiss $5
    We love you Nechamah!!!💜💜💜
  • Marcia Hirsch $5
View All
total raised:
Join Team 4ever Girls 2024!!!

For the past six years, I have had the life-changing experience of escorting a group of campers on what is far more than a fun, action-packed memorable traveling camp. The children range in age from eight to 18 and came from all types of backgrounds but share one thing in common -- the harsh realities of living with a seriously ill parent.

Far beyond giving the children and their parents a respite, Camp4ever!, a program of Chai4ever, was designed to give campers the ability to express, admit and face their fears in a community of children and teenagers who understand exactly what they are going through.  The relationships and connection formed with other campers and staff continues long past the summer and gives them the strength to get through the year.

As we emerge from the shadows of isolation, anxiety and depression created by Corona, please remember the children who live with these shadows in their home every day because of a critically or chronically ill parent! They still dread the regular sounds of ambulance sirens as we did and their only escape is the brief two weeks of camp. These children look forward to it all year and desperately need the fun, relief, and strength that they gain in two short weeks in order to cope with the rest of the year. I would like to do my part to ensure that every child that can benefit from Camp4ever's program will have the opportunity to do so. Unfortunately, there are tremendous expenses associated with running such a camp and it is imperative that Chai4ever also sustain critically needed services to these same families and many others all year round.

For the past three years, I have set the ambitious goal of $36,000 for my campaign, which I have yet to meet! However, I am compelled to keep trying because my generous friends and family know how passionate I am about the need for this camp and enabling Chai4ever to offer this program to every kid who could benefit from it. Unfortunately, every year, they are forced to cut children from their list because of lack of funds. Please help me ensure that this will be the year that all children can get a brief respite of happiness, accompanied by the sustenance of lifetime memories.

Nachamah Jacobovits